Tuesday 25 November 2014

Cold Days

The cold, wintery days have come, those are the days I'm usually too tired to wake up, although I've slept through the whole night. When I finally stretch out of bed its too cold that I want to jump back into bed. Today as I walked along the streets all I could think about was getting home as quickly as possible.

Monday 24 November 2014

Something called The Oreo Cupcakes

Baking is not really my thing, I'd rather take pictures of them and then of course gobble them. Yesterday my sister decided to bake something and thought of Oreo Cupcakes, I guess you could say I helped her with crushing the Oreos and washing the utensils.
The cupcakes baked really well, with a crusty outer part and a soft inside. The heavenly taste of chocolate Oreo filled my mouth as I took each bite. Each layer of the cupcake tasted unique but I must say it was delicious.
The smell of the freshly baked cupcakes filled our home. I love the feeling of baking, everything feels and tastes a lot better.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Greenwich Pier

Walking alongside the river listening to the slow waves coming in, the peace and quiet surrounding me. I think of nothing whilst I stare at the water slowly moving back and forth. Each wave comes in slowly as if it is an animal coming quietly towards its prey.

Monday 17 November 2014

The Voiceless Bestfriend

My best-friend sits beside me listening to all my worries and happiness. She does not utter a word for she cannot speak and I sometimes wonder what she is thinking of while I selfishly tell her all about myself. Whether or not she understands me, I'm not sure. But I know that my fur-ball will be beside me.