Monday 27 April 2015

Exam Stress

Hi everyone,

how are you all, stressed, relaxed? Well I know I'm really stressed and worried because it's exam season right now in the UK. Doesn't matter what level your studying at but everyone has exams coming up. I'm currently in my second year of university and I'm not looking forward to the exams. I'm really lucky I have only 2 exams so hopefully it all goes well.

I've not really been anywhere except home lol, I've been revising and eating I guess! Hopefully it all pays off at the end!

Good luck to everyone sitting exams this summer, fingers crossed you all do well and pass with flying colours.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Albert Memorial

Hi everyone, so the other day I visited numerous places of London, one of them being the Albert Memorial in Kensington Gardens. It's such a beautiful park with a big pond in the middle of the park full of swans and ducks. The weather is getting a lot better in London now so it's nice to go out and have fun. I managed to video my trip to London. I've put it up on YouTube, I'll link it here so you can watch it and subscribe/like or comment if you like.

Watch "VLOG: Day Out in London" on YouTube - VLOG: Day Out in London:

Follow me on Instagram: @hajiphotos

Sunday 5 April 2015


Recently I've been bumping into ducks a lot. About a week ago, as I was walking to lecture at university I saw a beautiful pair of ducks then yesterday I went to Kensington Garden in London. There was a very big pond full with ducks and swans. So here are the pictures I took of these beautiful ducks and swans. What do you think?

Sunday 22 March 2015

Bexhill on Sea

We took a family trip down to Bexhill on Sea last year. Everything looked beautiful, the grass was green, the sea was bright blue with the sun reflecting on the water. It wasn't a warm day but the beauty of the surrounding area looked amazing that I didn't even care about how the weather was.

Saturday 21 March 2015

The London City

My dream is to work in the city, to work in Canary Wharf. I pass it everyday when I'm going to university and that motivates me. I see a lot of people suited and booted looking very smart. The buildings look so amazing. On my previous blog post I mentioned about train journeys (go have a look) but I think I forgot to mention the beauty you get to capture when you're travelling on the train. I managed to take these pictures whilst the train was moving, what do you think of them?

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Train Journeys

Train journeys in London are a pain, being short makes things much difficult. I get people breathing on me and smelling very bad especially in the evenings. I have no choice but to take public transport because there is no other way I can get to university. At times I don't mind travelling on the train but when it gets packed with a lot of people its not very nice. The worst is that I have to take 3 trains and a bus back and forth everyday!!! What are your travel preferences? I sure do not like trains! I can't wait to start driving, to have my own car with which I can go anywhere with. Also I won't have people breathing on top of me!!   
Panorama Shot 
Fast Moving Train
Don't Go Past The Yellow Line!

Friday 20 February 2015


I love taking pictures when the sun is setting, something so magical about it. It makes me appreciate life because when I dont feel too positive looking up at the sunset makes me realise that there is more to life and god willing things will get better no matter what happens. My motto in life at the moment is; believe in yourself and you'll get where you want to be.✌ 

Saturday 17 January 2015


Sometimes I feel like being alone, things get to me too much and I tend to bottle things up a lot but then when I can't hold it in the bottle smashes into pieces making me so fragile and incapable of doing anything. I hate the feeling after the bottle smashes, I feel annoyed at myself. But I keep strong because I know that life holds much more beautiful things for me.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Winter Wonderland

My trip to Winter Wonderland was amazing, I went with my family and had a great time taking pictures and enjoying most of the rides.

Christmas Lights

I know Christmas is over, but I love the lights that are put up in Oxford Street, London. This year I had the opportunity to visit Oxford St and so I thought why not take some pictures.