Wednesday 25 February 2015

Train Journeys

Train journeys in London are a pain, being short makes things much difficult. I get people breathing on me and smelling very bad especially in the evenings. I have no choice but to take public transport because there is no other way I can get to university. At times I don't mind travelling on the train but when it gets packed with a lot of people its not very nice. The worst is that I have to take 3 trains and a bus back and forth everyday!!! What are your travel preferences? I sure do not like trains! I can't wait to start driving, to have my own car with which I can go anywhere with. Also I won't have people breathing on top of me!!   
Panorama Shot 
Fast Moving Train
Don't Go Past The Yellow Line!

Friday 20 February 2015


I love taking pictures when the sun is setting, something so magical about it. It makes me appreciate life because when I dont feel too positive looking up at the sunset makes me realise that there is more to life and god willing things will get better no matter what happens. My motto in life at the moment is; believe in yourself and you'll get where you want to be.✌